Pre-Install Checks Results:
PHP Version:
You need at leat PHP version 5 to run this script
OK You are running PHP version 5.6.40 which is fine
PHP SafeMode:
OK SafeMode is turned off!
GD Support:
Without GD no Thumbnails and stuff!
OK GD is installed on your system.
You are running version: 2.3.0
Imagick Support:
Supports more stuff than GD.
Failed Failed. The Imagick Image Library does not seem to be installed.
This is not a problem since this script can use GD, but recommended as Imagick has more features than GD
Check if folder /images/ is writable:
If this failes you will not be able to upload any images!
OK folder is writable!
Check if folder /source/errorlog/ is writable:
If these folders are writeprotected errorlogging won't be possible and end in a PHP Fatal Error.
OK folder is writable!
Check if folder /source/errorlog/mysql is writable:
If these folders are writeprotected errorlogging won't be possible and end in a PHP Fatal Error.
OK folder is writable!
Check if folder /source/errorlog/php5 is writable:
If these folders are writeprotected errorlogging won't be possible and end in a PHP Fatal Error.
OK folder is writable!
Check if folder /source/tempfiles/ is writable:
Although installation works with this folder not writable, it might be needed for future updates!
OK folder is writable!
Check if folder /temp/ is writable:
This folder needs to be writable in order for Plupload to work.
OK folder is writable!
Check if folder /temp/zip_uploads/ is writable:
Needs to be writable for Zip Uploads
OK folder is writable!
Check if folder /source/includes is writable:
This folder needs to be writable just during installation so that config.php can be saved! You can remove the write permission after the installation is finished.
OK folder is writable!