Fill in the following form completely to install this version of Mihalism Multi Host. Once installed you can change these settings and others via the Admin Control Panel.

Mihalism Multi Host v5.0.4 Installer
MySQL Host:
If you are unsure of your MySQL host, then please contact your hosting company before continuing. For most websites it will be "localhost"
MySQL Database Name:
This will be the database in which all information related to your website will be archived. Mihalism Multi Host will not attempt to create one during the installation process so ensure that the database exists first.
MySQL Username:
The use of the "superadmin" or "root" user of a MySQL server is a very bad security practice so avoid use of it unless there is no other option available.
MySQL Password (optional):
It is not recommended to connect to MySQL without a password.
Administrator Username:
Please enter an username that is 3 to 30 characters in length and only contain the characters:


. Username cannot change later on.
Administrator Password:
Please enter a password that is 6 to 30 characters in length. It is also recommended to randomize the password for enhanced security.
Administrator Password (retype):
Administrator E-Mail Address:
By default, this is the E-Mail Address that Mihalism Multi Host addresses all incoming mail to. Once installed, the address that it sends mail to can be configured in the Admin Control Panel. Mihalism Multi Host has automatically set the E-Mail Address to send mail from to: